Don’t fall prey to fraud: Follow these steps if you deal with money online

In the old days, there wasn’t much talk about security when new ideas were being envisioned. But now, with the advent of the digital age and an ever increasing demand for online transactions, security is most crucial. It is not only the duty of app developers to build secure applications but also the customer (that… Read more Don’t fall prey to fraud: Follow these steps if you deal with money online

What are Meltdown and Spectre and why they have caused an uproar

Photo by Brian Kostiuk on Unsplash Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are the pillars of computer security. These three are the most important aspects of a software and are something that every industry level application has to comply to. All of these aspects have been broken in recent months (the Equifax leaks and the Uber hacks – that exploit… Read more What are Meltdown and Spectre and why they have caused an uproar

Protect your passwords from getting stolen – Use a Password Manager

Why we need secure passwords Creating a new password is a pain in the ass, right? Today we have different websites that we access every day most of which require a username and a password to gain access to. Different websites have slightly different rules and criteria to create new passwords. So to remove all… Read more Protect your passwords from getting stolen – Use a Password Manager

‘Bad Rabbit’ ransomware hits Russia and other parts of Europe

Bad rabbit ransomware is spreading like wildfire across Europe.  It has already affected over 200 major organizations mainly in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Germany. It is a targeted ransomware attack against major corporate networks. Once infected, the attackers are asking for 0.05 bitcoin (~$285) from victims to unlock their systems. Here is what the ransomware… Read more ‘Bad Rabbit’ ransomware hits Russia and other parts of Europe

Huge vulnerability found in WPA2 encryption standard

You probably know about WPA2 encryption standard; the thing that you are used to checking whenever you access a wireless network. Till yesterday, this encryption standard was known to be more or less bug free and was the de-facto industry standard to encrypt your wireless communication. Today, a major flaw in the WPA2 encryption standard for… Read more Huge vulnerability found in WPA2 encryption standard

Hackers target Deloitte. Client’s confidential information leaked!

  In a latest case in cyber security leaks, Deloitte, one of the ‘big four’ accountancy firms, was hacked and usernames, passwords and other sensitive information was leaked to attackers. Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advising services to more than 250,000 people in the world and is based in New York.… Read more Hackers target Deloitte. Client’s confidential information leaked!